How to Grow Poblano Peppers: Steps, Tools, and Ways To Grow Them

Poblano peppers, known for their mild, earthy flavor, are a popular choice among home gardeners. They are used in various culinary dishes, from mild salsas to stuffed peppers, and even roasted for a smoky flavor.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice looking to cultivate these delicious peppers, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps, tools, and alternatives to successfully grow poblano peppers in your garden.

How to Grow Poblano Peppers

Growing poblano peppers at home allows you to enjoy their freshness, control their quality, and save money compared to buying them at the store. Lets go through the steps to growing poblano peppers.

Step 1: Planning

Before you start planting poblano peppers, it’s essential to plan your garden. Consider the following factors:


Choose a sunny spot in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. Poblano peppers thrive in warm, sunny conditions.


Poblano peppers prefer well-drained soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. You can test your soil’s pH using a soil testing kit, which is readily available at garden centers.

Companion Planting:

Poblano peppers can benefit from companion planting with herbs like basil or oregano. These herbs can help repel pests and improve the overall health of your pepper plants.

Step 2: Choosing Seeds or Seedlings

You have two primary options when it comes to starting poblano peppers: seeds or seedlings.


  • Variety Selection: Choose a poblano pepper variety that suits your taste and growing conditions. Some popular varieties include Ancho, Poblano L, and Mulato.
  • Starting Indoors: If you have a short growing season, start the seeds indoors about 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date in your region. Use seed-starting trays or pots filled with seed starting mix.
  • Transplanting: After the danger of frost has passed, transplant the seedlings into your garden.


  • Buying Seedlings: Many garden centers sell poblano pepper seedlings in the spring. Purchasing seedlings can save time and ensure that you get healthy plants.
  • Planting Seedlings: When planting seedlings, make sure to space them about 18-24 inches apart in rows that are 24-36 inches apart.

Step 3: Planting

Transplanting Seedlings:

If you’re transplanting seedlings, dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the seedling and place it in the hole. Gently pat the soil around the base of the plant.

Direct Sowing Seeds:

If you’re sowing seeds directly into the ground, plant them about 1/4 inch deep and cover them with soil. Space the seeds 18-24 inches apart.

Step 4: Watering and Mulching


  • Consistent Moisture: Poblano peppers require consistent moisture. Water them deeply but infrequently to avoid waterlogged soil.
  • Drip Irrigation: Using a drip irrigation system or a soaker hose can help maintain even moisture levels and prevent water from splashing on the leaves, which can lead to disease.


  • Mulch Benefits: Apply a layer of mulch around your pepper plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain even soil temperatures.
  • Mulch Material: Use organic mulch like straw or compost, which will also enrich the soil as it breaks down.

Step 5: Fertilizing

Soil Test:

Before fertilizing, conduct a soil test to determine nutrient deficiencies. Poblano peppers generally benefit from a balanced fertilizer.

Fertilizing Schedule:

  • Early Growth: Apply a balanced fertilizer when the plants are about 6-8 inches tall.
  • Mid-Season: Apply a side-dressing of compost or a slow-release granular fertilizer when the first peppers start to form.
  • Avoid Excessive Nitrogen: Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization, as it can lead to lush foliage but fewer peppers.

Step 6: Pruning and Support Poblano Pepper Plants


  • Top Pruning: Pinch off the first set of flowers that appear on your poblano pepper plants. This encourages the plant to put energy into growth rather than fruit production initially.
  • Bushier Plants: As the plants grow, you can also pinch back the tips of branches to encourage bushier growth.


  • Staking: Poblano pepper plants can become top-heavy when laden with peppers. Use stakes or cages to support the plants and prevent them from toppling over.

Step 7: Pest and Disease Management

Common Pests:

  • Aphids: Use a strong stream of water to dislodge aphids from the plants or apply neem oil.
  • Whiteflies: Use yellow sticky traps to catch whiteflies or apply insecticidal soap.
  • Caterpillars: Handpick caterpillars or use Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) to control them.

Common Diseases:

  • Powdery Mildew: Ensure good air circulation and avoid overhead watering to prevent powdery mildew.
  • Bacterial Leaf Spot: Use copper-based fungicides to control bacterial leaf spot.

Step 8: Harvesting Your Poblano Peppers

Harvest Time:

  • Poblano peppers are typically ready for harvest 70-80 days after transplanting.
  • Harvest when the peppers have turned dark green and are firm to the touch. They can also be left to ripen to red, which will result in a sweeter flavor.

Harvesting Tips:

  • Use scissors or pruning shears to cut the peppers from the plant, leaving a short stem attached.
  • Be gentle to avoid damaging the plant.

Step 9: Storage

Fresh Use:

  • Poblano peppers can be used fresh in various dishes.
  • Store unwashed peppers in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, and they should stay fresh for up to a week.


  • Poblano peppers can be preserved by freezing or drying them. To freeze, wash, slice, and then store in airtight containers or freezer bags.
  • For drying, string peppers together and hang them in a dry, well-ventilated area until they are completely dry.

Tools for Growing Poblano Peppers

To ensure a successful poblano pepper harvest, you’ll need some essential tools and equipment:

  1. Garden Spade: For digging holes and transplanting seedlings.
  2. Garden Fork: For turning and loosening the soil.
  3. Watering Can or Hose: To provide consistent moisture.
  4. Mulch: Organic mulch to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
  5. Fertilizer: Balanced fertilizer or compost for nourishing your plants.
  6. Pruning Shears: For pruning and harvesting.
  7. Stakes or Cages: To support the pepper plants.
  8. Pest and Disease Control: Insecticidal soap, neem oil, and copper-based fungicides.
  9. Soil Testing Kit: To determine nutrient levels in your soil.
  10. Freezer Bags or Containers: For preserving excess peppers.

Alternatives to Traditional Poblano Pepper Cultivation

If you’re short on garden space or prefer alternative methods of cultivation, here are some options:

Container Gardening:

Poblano peppers can thrive in containers. Use large pots with well-draining soil if you will be growing poblano peppers in containers, and make sure to place them in a sunny location. Container gardening is an excellent choice for those with limited outdoor space.


Hydroponic systems provide a controlled environment for growing poblano peppers without soil. Nutrient-rich water is delivered directly to the plants’ roots. This method can result in faster growth and higher yields.

Vertical Gardening:

Vertical gardening involves growing poblano peppers on trellises or vertical structures. This saves space and allows for better air circulation, reducing the risk of disease.

Indoor Gardening:

If you have limited outdoor space or live in a region with harsh weather conditions, consider growing poblano peppers indoors. You’ll need grow lights to provide sufficient light for your plants. Container gardening can also be adapted for indoor use.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the right tools, you can cultivate healthy and abundant poblano pepper plants. Whether you have a spacious garden or limited space, there are alternative methods to suit your needs. Enjoy the fresh taste of homegrown poblano peppers in your culinary creations.


Q1: How long does it take for poblano peppers to ripen? Poblano peppers are typically ready for harvest 70-80 days after transplanting. Harvest when they are dark green and firm or allow them to ripen to red for a sweeter flavor.

Q2: Can I grow poblano peppers in containers? Yes, poblano peppers can be successfully grown in containers. Use large pots with well-draining soil, and ensure they receive plenty of sunlight.

Q3: What are some common pests of poblano peppers? Common pests that can affect poblano peppers include aphids, whiteflies, and caterpillars. Use natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soap to control them.

Q4: How do I prevent powdery mildew on poblano pepper plants? To prevent powdery mildew, ensure good air circulation around the plants and avoid overhead watering. You can also use copper-based fungicides as a preventive measure.

Q5: Can I grow poblano peppers indoors? Yes, you can grow poblano peppers indoors. You’ll need sufficient light, such as grow lights, and can adapt container gardening for indoor use.

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